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= Disclaimer =
This manual has been superseded (replaced) by a PDF:

This description is meant to inform the community how to layout
the information within the XML files.  However, should the
information in this document and the [[cansas1d.xsd | canSAS 1D SAS XML Schema]]
differ, the XML Schema will be deemed to have the most correct description
of the standard.
= General Layout of the XML Data =
== overview ==
[[Image:cansas1d-v1-1-SASroot.png|thumb|block diagram at SASroot level]]
After an XML header, the root element of the file is SASroot which
contains one or more SASentry elements, each of which describes
a single experiment (data set, time-slice, step in a series, new
sample, etc.).  Details of the SASentry element are also
shown in the next figure.  Refer to the '''block diagram at SASroot level'''
for an alternative depiction.  See [[cansas1d.xml]] for an example XML file.
Examples, Case Studies, and  other background information are below.  More discussion can be found on the [[1D_Data_Formats_Working_Group|canSAS 1D Data Formats Working Group]] page and its [[Talk:1D_Data_Formats_Working_Group|discussion]] page.  Details about
each specific field (XPath string, XML elements and attributes) are described
on the [[cansas1d_definition_of_terms]] page.
=== block diagrams ===
There are block diagrams available to describe the standard:
*[[media:cansas1d-v1-1-SASroot.png | SASroot]]
** SASentry (data set, time-slice, step in a series, new sample, etc.)
***Title (for this particular SASentry)
***Run (run number or ID number of experiment)
***[[media:cansas1d-v1-2-SASdata.png | SASdata]] (this is where the reduced 1-D SAS data is stored)
***[[media:cansas1d-v1-3-SASsample.png | SASsample]]
***[[media:cansas1d-v1-4-SASinstrument.png | SASinstrument]]
****[[media:cansas1d-v1-5-SASsource.png | SASsource]]
****[[media:cansas1d-v1-6-SAScollimation.png | SAScollimation]]
****[[media:cansas1d-v1-7-SASdetector.png | SASdetector]]
***[[media:cansas1d-v1-8-SASprocess.png | SASprocess]] (for each processing or analysis step)
*** SASnote (anything at all)
* [[media:cansas1d-v1-9-full.png | full block diagram]]
=== required XML file header ===
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SASroot version="1.0"
=== alternative XML file header (referencing a stylesheet) ===
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="example.xsl" ?>
<SASroot version="1.0"
=== XML layout for multiple experiments ===
Each experiment is described with a single '''SASentry''' element.
The brief example below shows how multiple experiments can be included
in a single XML file.  (For the sake of brevity, the data for each experiment
has been omitted from the example below.)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SASroot version="1.0"
  <SASentry name="071121.dat#S22">
    <!-- contents of the first experiment in the file go here -->
  <SASentry name="name attribute is optional">
    <!-- any number of additional experiments can be included, as desired -->
== Rules ==
[[Image:Q-geometry.jpg|thumb|definition of Q geometry for small-angle scattering]]
[[Image:Translation-orientation-geometry-2.jpg|thumb|definition of translation and orientation geometry]]
# canSAS1d/1.0 XML data files will adhere to the standard if they can successfully [[cansas1d_documentation#Validation_of_XML_against_the_Schema | validate]] against the established XML Schema ([])
# Q=(4 &pi; / &lambda;) sin(&theta;) <br> where &lambda; is the wavelength of the radiation and 2&theta; is the angle through which the detected radiation has been scattered.
# units to be given in standard SI abbreviations (eg, m, cm, mm, nm, K) with the following exceptions:
##a.u.=arbitrary units
##none=no units are relevant (such as dimensionless)
# where reciprocal units need to be quoted the format shall be "1/abbreviation"
# axes:
##z is along the flight path (positive value in the direction of the detector)
##x is orthogonal to z in the horizontal plane (positive values increase to the right when viewed towards the incoming radiation)
##y is orthogonal to z and x in the vertical plane (positive values increase upwards)
#orientation (angles):
##roll is about z
##pitch is about x
##yaw is about y
# Unicode characters MUST NOT be used
# Binary data is not supported
Note:  translation and orientation geometry used by canSAS are consistent with:
The translation and orientation geometry definitions used
here are different than those used by
'''SHADOW''' ([])
where the ''y'' and ''z'' axes are swapped
and the direction of ''x'' is changed.
= Documentation and Definitions =
* '''Documentation''': [[cansas1d_documentation]]  (this page)
* '''Definitions''':  [[cansas1d_definition_of_terms]]
* '''Block diagrams''': [[cansas1d_documentation#block_diagrams]]
== XML Schema ==
* '''XML Schema''': defines the rules for the XML file format ([ TRAC], [ SVN])
* [[xsd-documentation.xsl | XSL stylesheet]] (used to extract information shown on the [[cansas1d_definition_of_terms | Schema documentation page]])
== XML Stylesheets ==
Stylesheets could be used to strip out the metadata or to convert into another file format.  No examples have yet been described here.
== Examples and Case Studies ==
* [[cansas1d.xml | basic example]]: Note that, for clarity, only one row of data is shown.  This is probably a very good example to use as a starting point for creating XML files with a text editor.
* [[bimodal-test1.xml]]: Simulated SAS data to test size distribution calculation routines.
* [[cansas1d_casestudy_collagen | dry chick collagen]]: illustrates the minimum information necessary to meet the requirements of the standard format
* [[cansas1d_casestudy_af1410 | AF1410 steel]]: SANS study using magnetic contrast variation (with multiple samples and multiple data sets for each sample)
* [[cansas1d-template.xml]]: This is used to test all the rules in the XML Schema.  This is probably not a very good example to use as a starting point for creating XML files with a text editor since it tests many of the special-case rules.
== Support tools for Visualization & Analysis software ==
=== IgorPro ===
An import/export tool for [ IgorPro] has been created
([ cansasXML.ipf]).
You can check out the <nowiki>IgorPro</nowiki> working directory from the SVN server (see below).
As of 2008-03-14,
* test suite of XML files developed
* the support can import the XML files into IgorPro
* Development of a GUI (to support the [ Irena] package) has begun
* Development to add export capabilities (from IgorPro) back to the cansas1d/1.0 format has begun
== Software repositories ==
* '''TRAC''':      []
* '''Subversion''': []  <br />(<nowiki>svn checkout cansas-1dwg</nowiki>)
= Validation of XML against the Schema =
# open browser to:
# paste content of candidate XML file (with reference in the header to the XML Schema as shown above) into the form
# press <validate>
# paste content of [[cansas1d.xsd]] XSD file into form and press <continue validation>
# check the results

Latest revision as of 04:39, 30 November 2009