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This manual has been superseded (replaced) by a PDF:

This description is meant to inform the community how to layout
the information within the XML files.  However, should the
information in this document and the [[cansas1d_xsd | canSAS 1D SAS XML Schema]]
differ, the XML Schema will be deemed to have the most correct description
of the standard.
==General Layout of the XML Data==
===required XML file header===
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SASroot xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" cansas1d.xsd"
;NOTE: We (canSAS) will have to be able to provide the cansas1d.xsd as a page on the WWW.  We should use that URL here.
===overall file: layout of SASroot===
**SASentry ... (for each data set, time-slice, step in a series, new sample, etc.)
===each data set: layout of the SASentry===
**SASdata (this is where the reduced 1-D SAS data is stored)
**SASprocess... (for each processing or analysis step)
**SASnote... (anything at all)
==Definition of terms==
;term:quantity <br> description
;<tt>aperture</tt>: [0..inf] <br> describes an aperture position, size, and shape
;<tt>beam_center</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>beam_shape</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>beam_size</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>date</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>description</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>details</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>distance</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>I</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>ID</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>Idata</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>Idev</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>name</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>offset</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>orientation</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>pitch</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>pixel_size</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>Q</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>Qdev</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>Qfwhm</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>Qmean</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>radiation</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>roll</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>Run</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>SAScollimation</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>SASdetector</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>SASentry</tt>: [1..inf] <br> Describes a single 1-D SAS data scan.  <br> Time-resolved experiments or others with series data should put each step in the series into its own SASentry.
;<tt>SASinstrument</tt>: [1..1] <br> describes the SAS instrument used to provide this SASentry
;<tt>SASnote</tt>: [0..inf] <br> allows for other information to be added to a SASentry
;<tt>SASprocess</tt>: [0..inf] <br> describes a data processing or analysis step
;<tt>SASprocessnote</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>SASroot</tt>: [1..1] <br> (required) root node of the canSAS 1-D reduced SAS data file in XML
;<tt>SASsample</tt>: [1..1] <br> describes the sample
;<tt>SASsource</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>SDD</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>Shadowfactor</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>size</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>temperature</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>term</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>thickness</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>Title</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>transmission</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>wavelength_max</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>wavelength_min</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>wavelength_spread</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>wavelength</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>x</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>y</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>yaw</tt>: [..] <br>
;<tt>z</tt>: [..] <br>
# no whitespace padding of value fields
# Q=(4 &pi; / &lambda;) sin(&theta;) <br> where &lambda; is the wavelength of the radiation and 2&theta; is the angle through which the detected radiation has been scattered.
# units to be given in standard SI abbreviations (eg, m, cm, mm, nm, K) with the following exceptions:
# where reciprocal units need to be quoted the format shall be "1/abbreviation"
# Unicode characters MUST NOT be used
# axes:
##z is along the flight path (positive value in the direction of the detector)
##x is orthogonal to z in the horizontal plane (positive values increase to the right when viewed towards the incoming radiation)
##y is orthogonal to z and x in the vertical plane (positive values increase upwards)
##roll is about z
##pitch is about x
##yaw is about y

Latest revision as of 04:39, 30 November 2009