
From canSAS

Discussion session on Software

Chair : Paul Butler

Session Plenary Overview : Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink.

Sven-Jannick Wöhnert : <<dpdak slides go here>>

Session Notes

The session began with a presentation by Sven-Jannick Wöhnert on dpdak

Highlights from the discussion include:

  • It seems that there are a number of packages that are being developed with similar plugin architectures in python
    • Noted that more than one is important
    • But there does seem to be an insatiable and unstoppable need to re-invent the wheel myself:
      • question is what drives that?
        • Need to have access
        • Desire to do "better" and get recognized?
        • Lack of "advertising" - Dissemination should work on reaching instrument scientists and potential developers about what is already there
  • Lots of “advertising needs”
  • Youtube for users but also beamline scientists
  • Add citations and activity etc for packages on canSAS portal page
  • Being able to respond to ones users
  • Scriptable packages in python gives first go at correlation
  • Software as Infrastructure
    • PANOSC and OSC
  • Facilities? Would require getting everyone with any effort in SAS analysis software identified and together to discuss “infrastructure” support models
  • 3D pictures needed or our community becomes road kill
  • Use molecular simulation and correlation analysis. ML could also help
  • Get packages to take “STEP files” and convert to scattering
  • Workflows for focused problems that give you the 3 parameters that you want
  • Networking grants a great idea and some effort since last canSAS but need grants to do actual work.

Google Doc With Notes


  • Video tutorials for selecting software program(s) - Assigned to: TBD
  • Separate out highly used software and mark supported vs unsupported - Assigned to: TBD
  • Software usage across different facilities - Assigned to: TBD