cansas1d SASdetector

From canSAS


Name Type occurrence Description Attributes
name string [1..1] Text string that identifies the name of this detector.
SDD floating-point number [0..1] Distance between sample and detector. unit="{unit}"
offset container [0..1] Offset of this detector position in X, Y, (and Z if necessary).
orientation container [0..1] Orientation (rotation) of this detector in roll, pitch, and yaw.
beam_center container [0..1] Center of the beam on the detector in X and Y (and Z if necessary).
pixel_size container [0..1] Size of detector pixels in X and Y (and Z if necessary).
slit_length floating-point number [0..1] Slit length of the instrument for this detector. This is expressed in the same units as <math>Q</math> (reciprocal space units). unit="{unit}"



Name Type occurrence Description Attributes
x floating-point number [0..1] Offset of the detector position in X.

The unit attribute is required. See cansas1d_documentation#Rules for acceptable values.

y floating-point number [0..1] Offset of the detector position in Y.

The unit attribute is required. See cansas1d_documentation#Rules for acceptable values.

z floating-point number [0..1] Offset of the detector position in Z.

The unit attribute is required. See cansas1d_documentation#Rules for acceptable values. Note: While Z is allowed by the standard (provided by use of a standard element in the XML Schema), it does not make sense for small-angle scattering.



Name Type occurrence Description Attributes
roll floating-point number [0..1] Rotation about the Z axis (roll).

The unit attribute is required. See cansas1d_documentation#Rules for acceptable values.

pitch floating-point number [0..1] Rotation about the X axis (pitch).

The unit attribute is required. See cansas1d_documentation#Rules for acceptable values.

yaw floating-point number [0..1] Rotation about the Y axis (yaw).

The unit attribute is required. See cansas1d_documentation#Rules for acceptable values.



Name Type occurrence Description Attributes
x floating-point number [0..1] Position of the beam center on the detector in X.

The unit attribute is required. See cansas1d_documentation#Rules for acceptable values.

y floating-point number [0..1] Position of the beam center on the detector in Y.

The unit attribute is required. See cansas1d_documentation#Rules for acceptable values.

z floating-point number [0..1] Position of the beam center on the detector in Z.

The unit attribute is required. See cansas1d_documentation#Rules for acceptable values. Note: While Z dimension is allowed by the standard (provided by use of a standard element in the XML Schema), it does not make sense for small-angle scattering.



Name Type occurrence Description Attributes
x floating-point number [0..1] Size of a detector pixel in X.

The unit attribute is required. See cansas1d_documentation#Rules for acceptable values.

y floating-point number [0..1] Size of a detector pixel in Y.

The unit attribute is required. See cansas1d_documentation#Rules for acceptable values.

z floating-point number [0..1] Size of a detector pixel in Z.

The unit attribute is required. See cansas1d_documentation#Rules for acceptable values. Note: While Z dimension is allowed by the standard (provided by use of a standard element in the XML Schema), it does not make sense for small-angle scattering.
